I Am An Escort And Not A Prostitute- Get Ultimate Satisfaction Of Mind And Body With Me
Hello Guys, Welcome to my profile, where you get your friend, girlfriend, and also the sex -friend in me. I am your escort and remember not a prostitute.
Today I have come up with a frequently debated topic- the difference between a prostitute and an escort.
Often both are taken as synonyms, but there is a basic line of difference between these two terms. Prostitute and escort have many differences in different aspects. So, if your brain is still off in this knowledge, let me share it in simple ways.
My service as an escort for you
Service aspect: The very first point on which I will throw the light is the difference in service. Prostitutes are those who are being paid or make money just in return for sex. They are more termed as call girls.
Whereas, on other hand, the escort service is the service of offering time in turn of payment. You can spend that time given to you in any way- dating, luncheon, local trip, or sex even. It is not compulsory that escorts have to always turn up in the bed.
Purpose of the service given: A prostitute will provide just the ways and means to fulfill the sexual needs, irrespective of the client’s needs or satisfaction.
On other hand, escorts are for your care. As a client, they believe in satisfaction to any kind of services they are providing. Whether for a date or sex, the satisfaction of the client is their ultimate service aim.
Law aspects: Since prostitution, if a service where the transaction is made only for sex and sexual activities, so most of the country marks it as illegal.
Whereas, escort services are not illegal as the money received is as a token of love for the time and not for sex. Hence most of the time, we bypass the law and are less prone to get into any issues of law too. It is much safe and reliable than the prostitution service.
Safer on other aspects too: Compared to the prostitutes, escorts know how to deal with a client as per their standard and conduct. Most of the escort girls are quite acquainted with the dress-codes, table manners, sweet and professional conversation, well-educated, and also quite healthy and safe about sexual activities. They are much advanced using modern devices and the internet for their services and need appointments too.
It is not like that you come up with money and can pick up anyone at any time.
I am waiting,
Hopingly, now you are quite clear about the two services and terms. Surely escort service is much better for you if you are looking for some beautiful friend providing physical and emotional support to you. I have been serving my client with ultimate satisfaction. Even I am accompanying them on foreign trips for office purposes too. Surely you can check the profile and let me know whether you are interested in me. I will be just let you when I am free and hope we will be enjoying a great time together.